做事: handle affairs; do a deed; a ...过: cross; pass了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...头: 5点就得动身 have to start before ...做事过头: overreach滴过了头: overtitration过了头地: over-zealously跳过了头: overleaoneself; overleap oneself接球时跑过了头: overrun杀害 [口]搞得过了头: do to death他真是吹毛求疵过了头: he is so anal了头: lookout on the forecastle; lookout on the forecatle做事: 1.(从事某种工作或处理某件事情) handle affairs; do a deed; act 做事彻底 do sth. up brown; 做事得手 work smoothly; 做事敏捷 quick and efficient; 做事周到 do sth. up brown2.(工作) work; have a job过了: beyond昏了头: svadba房事过度: discharge semen involuntarily too frequently; intemperance in sexual life; sexual overstrain房事过多: sexual indulgence; sexual overindulgence后事过去时: posterior past军事过硬: militarily competent民事过失: civil negligence事过境迁: when the incident [matter] is over, the circumstances will be different [change].; the affair is over and the situation has changed.; the events have passed and the times have changed.; the incident is over and the circumstances are different事过境迁the: matter is all over and the situation has changed. be appointed to a certain post事过情迁: people's feelings change with the circumstances先事过去时: anterior past别乐昏了头: don't lose your head