做事: handle affairs; do a deed; a ...光明磊落: open and aboveboard; plain d ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...光明磊落的: be open and aboveboard光明磊落: be perfectly open in all one's actions; be open and aboveboard; be open and straightforward; frank and forthright光明磊落地: abovedeck光明磊落者: the plain dealer光明磊落的, 诚实的, 合法的, 越来越好的: on the up-and-up坦诚待人, 光明磊落: plain dealing公平的竞赛,公平对待,光明磊落: fair play公平的竞争,公平对待,光明磊落: fair play光明磊落;按规则进行的比赛: fair play磊落的: liberal做事的人: the working man磊落: (心地光明正大的) open and upright 光明磊落 open and aboveboard; 胸怀磊落 openhearted and upright被冷落的人: u erson; unperson堕落的人: reprobate堕落的人们: les ripoux罪人, 堕落的人: man of sin做事彻底的人: out-and-outer做事卤莽的人: perisher做事拖延的人: tomorrower新近败落的人: the new poor易堕落的人性: frail human nature