

发音:   用"房事过度"造句
  • discharge semen involuntarily too frequently
  • intemperance in sexual life
  • sexual overstrain
  • 房事:    sexual intercourse
  • 过度:    excessive; over; undue; ana- ...
  • 房事过多:    sexual indulgence; sexual overindulgence
  • 房事:    sexual intercourse (between a married couple)◇房事不节 intemperance in sexual life; excess of sexual intercourse
  • 禁房事:    stop sexual life


  1. Chastity : rarely use venery but for health or offspring , never to dullness , weakness , or the injury of your own or another ' s peace or reputation
  2. Chastity : rarely use venery but for health or offspring , never to dulness , weakness , or the injury of your own or another ' s peace or reputation


        房事:    sexual intercourse
        过度:    excessive; over; undue; ana- ...
        房事过多:    sexual indulgence; sexual overindulgence
        房事:    sexual intercourse (between a married couple)◇房事不节 intemperance in sexual life; excess of sexual intercourse
        禁房事:    stop sexual life
        厂房事件:    plant incident
        房事不节:    excess of sexual intercourse; in sexual life; intemperance
        房事风波:    ring a ding ding
        房事焦虑:    performance anxiety
        房事一二三:    travaux
        节制房事:    temperance in sexual life
        过度:    excessive; over; undue; ana-; hyper- 过度兴奋 be overexcited; 过度敏感 oversensitive; hypersensitive; 过度的睡眠 excess sleep; 饮酒过度 drink to excess; overdrink; 磨损过度 (of a thing) totally worn-out; 过度捕捞 overfishing; 过度采伐 over-exploitation; 过度成熟(现象) postmaturity; 过度发育 overdevelopment; 过度放牧 overgrazing; 过度负荷 over load; 过度感染 superinfection; hyperinfection; 过度紧张 supertension; 过度竞争 over-competition; 过度开发 overexploitaction; 过度砍伐 overcut; 过度疲劳 over fatigue; be overtired; 过度曝光 overexposure; 过度生长 overgrowth; 过度使用 overuse; 过度退火 overannealed; 过度弯曲 overbending; 过度兴奋 overexcitation; 过度学习 overlearning; 过度照射 overexposure; 过度种植 overcrop
        后事过去时:    posterior past
        军事过硬:    militarily competent
        民事过失:    civil negligence
        事过境迁:    when the incident [matter] is over, the circumstances will be different [change].; the affair is over and the situation has changed.; the events have passed and the times have changed.; the incident is over and the circumstances are different
        事过境迁the:    matter is all over and the situation has changed. be appointed to a certain post
        事过情迁:    people's feelings change with the circumstances
        先事过去时:    anterior past
        做事过了头:    go beyond the bounds of what is right
        做事过头:    overreach
        不要揽事过多:    don't make a mountain out of a molehill
        房事勿过频或过疏:    avoid too much or little sexual activity
        好事过头,反成坏事:    too much of a good thing
        好事过头反成坏事:    too much of a good thing


  1. "房式炉"英文
  2. "房式烟道"英文
  3. "房事"英文
  4. "房事不节"英文
  5. "房事风波"英文
  6. "房事过多"英文
  7. "房事焦虑"英文
  8. "房事勿过频或过疏"英文
  9. "房事一二三"英文
  10. "房仕龙"英文


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