人事: human affairs; occurrences i ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...不省人事的: insensible; senseless; silly; stuporous; unconscious不省人事的病人: a comatose patient不省人事的,神智昏迷的: delirious负责人事的副参谋长: deputy chief of staff for personnel负责人力和人事的副参谋长: deputy chief of staf for manpower and personnel人事: 1.(人的处境) human affairs; occurrences in human life 人事变迁 births and deaths, comings and goings2.(人员的调动、 安排等工作) personnel matters 人事调动 transfer of personnel; 人事更迭 change of personnel; 人事安排 assignment of personnel3.(事理人情) ways of the world 不懂人事 not know the ways of the world4.(人的意识的对象) consciousness of the outside world 不省人事 lose consciousness5.(人力能做到的事) what is humanly possible 尽人事 do what is humanly possible; do one's best; 人事变动 personnel change; 人事部 ministry of personnel; 人事处 personnel division; 人事档案 personal file; 人事关系 organizational affiliation; personal connection; human relations; 人事管理 personal administration; personnel management; 人事决定权 the direction rights on personnel; 人事考核制度 system of vocational assessment; system of reviewing the performances of all workers; examine the records of staff and workers; 人事咨询 personnel counseling人事组;人事室: personnel registry碍事的: be in the way多事的: chanceful; eventful; vexatious费事的: trying故事的: narrative海事的: admiralty; maritime家事的: household军事的: martial; military; warlike领事的: consular民事的: civil农事的: agronomic; rural失事的: wrecked施事的: agentive同事的: fellow无事的: unoccupied刑事的: criminal; penal执事的: diaconal