故事: story; tale的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...编故事的人: storytellers故事的本事: story line故事的概要: the summary of the story故事的梗概: the gist of a story故事的结局: the end of the story故事的结束: the end of the story故事的结尾: the end of a story故事的力量: the power of stories故事的线索: threads of a story故事的续篇: the continuance of a story故事的真相: what's the story讲故事的人: tale-teller说故事的人: storytellers故事的一部分: a part of the story讲述故事的人说到: and the story tellers say讲虚构故事的人: romancer善于讲故事的人: raconteur随着故事的发展: as the story develops/goes无连续故事的漫画: gag strip学会讲故事的技巧: acquire the story telling technique这就是故事的结局: this is how the story ends这就是故事的真相: this is where stories go但我想,那就是故事的结局: but i guess that's just the way the story goes; but i guess that\'s just the way the story goes