不省人事: lose consciousness的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...神智: intelligence; mental ability昏迷: stupor; coma; muzziness; exa ...不省人事的: insensible; senseless; silly; stuporous; unconscious不省人事的病人: a comatose patient神智昏迷,说胡话: deliriumn不省人事: become unconscious; be in a coma; be in a dead faint; be unconscious [senseless]; fall into a stupor; lose one's consciousness; narcotism; suspended animation 她已经不省人事, 但脉博还在跳。 she was unconscious but her heart was still beating不省人事,假死。: suspended animation昏倒, 不省人事: fall in a dead faint; fall into a dead faint昏晕, 不省人事: fainting醉得不省人事: in a drunken stupor醉得不省人事, 被击昏, 昏睡: be out like light昏迷的: carotic; comatose; narcose; stupefactive; stuporous把某人打得不省人事, 打死某人, 斥骂某人: lay sb out in lavender把某人打得不省人事, 严惩某人: knock sb into the middle of next week开始醉得不省人事, 被击昏, 开始昏睡: go out like light她已经不省人事但脉博还在跳: she was unconscious but her heart was still beating半昏迷的: semicomatose昏迷的患者: an unconscious patient轻昏迷的: semicomatose; semisomnous神志昏迷的: delirious引起昏迷的: causing sleeor unconsciousness人事不省: athymia; apsychia; cataphora; unconsciousness人事不省的: athymic; stuporous; unconscious