

[ rénshì ] 发音:   "人事"的汉语解释   用"人事"造句
  • 1.(人的处境) human affairs; occurrences in human life 短语和例子
    2.(人员的调动、 安排等工作) personnel matters 短语和例子
    3.(事理人情) ways of the world 短语和例子
    4.(人的意识的对象) consciousness of the outside world 短语和例子
    5.(人力能做到的事) what is humanly possible 短语和例子
  • 人事组;人事室:    personnel registry
  • 烦人事:    worrier
  • 尽人事:    do what one can (to save a dying person, etc.); do all that is humanly possible (though with little hope of success)
  • 人事部:    employment department; human resources division; ministry of establishment; ministry of perso el; ministry of personmel; ministry of personnel; personal department; personnel dept; personnel noun; the personnel department
  • 人事处:    department of personnel; division of personnel; human resources department; personnel branch; personnel division; personnel service; the personnel department


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. His efforts were fruitless, however .
  2. The plan had been matured by deerslayer .
  3. Such a change had come to pass .
  4. His colleague lay unconscious, perhaps dead .
  5. The human element was admiral halsey's frame of mind .


        人事组;人事室:    personnel registry
        烦人事:    worrier
        尽人事:    do what one can (to save a dying person, etc.); do all that is humanly possible (though with little hope of success)
        人事部:    employment department; human resources division; ministry of establishment; ministry of perso el; ministry of personmel; ministry of personnel; personal department; personnel dept; personnel noun; the personnel department
        人事处:    department of personnel; division of personnel; human resources department; personnel branch; personnel division; personnel service; the personnel department
        人事的:    staff
        人事费:    staff cost
        人事股:    personnel unit
        人事官:    personnel officer
        人事局:    bureau of personnel; personnel bureau; personnel management department
        人事科:    personnel section; personnel services section
        人事课:    personnel division
        人事栏:    personal
        人事士:    personnel man {= pn
        人事室:    personnel office
        人事司:    office of personnel; personnel department; personnel division
        人事厅:    office of personnel service; ops; ps
        人事院:    national personnel authority
        人事组:    personnel registry; personnel section
        人事管理, 人事辅导:    personnel supervision
        不懂人事:    ignorant of the ways of the world
        不省人事:    become unconscious; be in a coma; be in a dead faint; be unconscious [senseless]; fall into a stupor; lose one's consciousness; narcotism; suspended animation 她已经不省人事, 但脉博还在跳。 she was unconscious but her heart was still beating
        不省人事,假死。:    suspended animation
        不省人事的:    insensible; senseless; silly; stuporous; unconscious
        人事(或人力资源)管理:    personnel (or human resource) management
        人世之初:    the beginnings of history


        人事的法语:名 1.événements de ce monde;choses humaines 2.affaires concernant le personnel~部门département(service)du personnel. 3.conscience不省~perdre connaissance;s'évanouir 4.les usages du monde;savoirvivre不懂~être...
        人事的日语:(1)世間の出来事. 他的信中,谈到家乡的生活和种种人事变化/彼の手紙は故郷における生活や人々のいろいろな出来事にふれていた. (2)人事. 人事科/人事課. 人事材料/人事資料. 人事安排/人員の配置. (3)義理人情.物事. 一点儿人事也不懂/少しも義理人情をわきまえない. (4)人事.人がなし得ること. 尽 jìn 人事以听天命/人事を尽くして天命を待つ. (5)意識. 人事不知/人事不省....
        人事的韩语:[명사] (1)인간사(人間事). (2)인사 관계. 人事档案; 인사 서류 人事处; 인사처 人事关系; 인사 관계 人事制度; 인사 제도 人事科kē; 인사과(課) 人事调动; 인사이동 人事司; 인사부(部) 人事安排; 인사 배치 人事材料; 인사 자료 人事更迭; 인사 경질 (3)세상 물정. 孩子太小, 还不懂人事; 아이가 너무 어려, 아직 세...
        人事的俄语:[rénshì] 1) личный состав; кадры; кадровый 人事安排 [rénshì ānpái] — расстановка кадров 人事变动 [rénshì biàndòng] — кадровые расстановки 人事科 [rénshìkē] — отдел кадров 2) жизнь; дела житейские 不懂人...
        人事的阿拉伯语:خدمات للموظفين;
        人事什么意思:rénshì ①人的离合、境遇、存亡等情况。 ②关于工作人员的录用、培养、调配、奖惩等工作:~科ㄧ~材料ㄧ~安排。 ③指人与人之间的关系:~纠纷ㄧ~磨擦。 ④事理人情:不懂~。 ⑤人力能做到的事:尽~。 ⑥人的意识的对象:他昏迷过去,不知~。 ⑦<方>礼物:这次回去得给老大娘送点~,表表我的心意。


  1. "人世间最宝贵的财富"英文
  2. "人世如白驹过隙"英文
  3. "人世盛衰"英文
  4. "人世所无,只应天上有"英文
  5. "人世之初"英文
  6. "人事(或人力资源)管理"英文
  7. "人事安排"英文
  8. "人事安全"英文
  9. "人事保安指示"英文
  10. "人事保全"英文


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