不论: no matter; whether... or...损失: lose如何: how; what全部: whole; complete; entire; tot ...赔偿: compensate for; make compens ...不论损失率如何: irrespective of percentage全部赔偿: full compensation; ioirrespective of percentage不论损失程度: i.o.p. irrespective of percentage; irrespective of percentage(i-o-p)作了全部赔偿a: full amends was made全部赔偿;充分赔偿: fullcompensation不论如何: however; rain or shine不论结果如何: irrespective of consequences不论如何措词: however worded不论她如何说: despite what she said i couldn't believe the news赔偿损失,赔偿金: indemnity他的货物全部赔本出售: all his goods sell at a loss赔偿损失: make amends to; compensate for loss; indemnify sb. for the loss incurred; indemnify for damage损害;赔偿损失: damage损失赔偿: compensation for damage; compensationfordamage; damages; indemnity损失赔偿金: liquidated damage不论你如何生活: however you live,不论晴雨, 无论如何: rain or shine不论实际称谓如何: however described不论天气条件如何: irrespective of weather conditions不论怎样, 无论如何: in any event