

发音:   "一字褒贬"的汉语解释   用"一字褒贬"造句
  • praise or criticize with a single word; give expression of praise or censure by using just one word; praise with a single word
  • :    one
  • :    character; word
  • 褒贬:    appreciate or depreciate; pr ...
  • 褒贬:    pass judgment on; appraise 褒贬人物 pass judgment on people; 不加褒贬 make no comment, complimentary or otherwise; neither praise nor censure; 褒贬与夺 praise or censure; pass judgment on sb. or sth.; 人们对他褒贬不一。 people pass different judgements on him
  • 一字:    header punches in various drives; yokoro; yookoro; yooroko


        :    one
        :    character; word
        褒贬:    appreciate or depreciate; pr ...
        褒贬:    pass judgment on; appraise 褒贬人物 pass judgment on people; 不加褒贬 make no comment, complimentary or otherwise; neither praise nor censure; 褒贬与夺 praise or censure; pass judgment on sb. or sth.; 人们对他褒贬不一。 people pass different judgements on him
        一字:    header punches in various drives; yokoro; yookoro; yooroko
        褒贬人物:    pass judgment on people
        褒贬与夺:    pass judgment on sb. or sth
        不加褒贬:    make no comment, complimentary or other wise; neither praise nor censure
        不置褒贬:    neither praise nor criticize; utter no word of praise or blame
        有意褒贬:    spread gossip with malicious intent
        一字一字地:    word for word
        背地里褒贬人:    speak ill of sb. behind his back
        单一字:    one word
        横一字:    spread eagle
        内一字:    inside spread eagle
        前一字:    prev word
        一字步:    easy walk
        一字尺:    parallel rule
        一字吊:    acanthurus olivaceous
        一字儿:    in a row; in a line 运动场上一字儿站着十名足球运动员。 ten footballer stood in a row on the sport ground
        一字夹:    mka1-038
        一字巾:    yizi jin
        一字领:    horizontal neck
        一字眉:    synophridia
        一字棋:    tic-tac-toe


        一字褒贬的韩语:【성어】 일자포폄. 글자 한 자를 가려 씀으로써 사람을 칭찬하기도 하고 비방하기도 하다. [춘추(春秋)의 필법]
        一字褒贬什么意思:yī zì bāo biǎn 【解释】一个字的褒扬或贬斥。泛指记事论人,用字措辞严谨有分寸。 【出处】晋·杜预《左传序》:“春秋虽以一字为褒贬,然皆须数句以成言。” 【拼音码】yzbb 【用法】主谓式;作宾语、定语;指作文用字措辞严谨有分寸


  1. "一子皈依,九祖升天"英文
  2. "一字"英文
  3. "一字不差"英文
  4. "一字不错"英文
  5. "一字不错地"英文
  6. "一字不漏"英文
  7. "一字不识"英文


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