1. 踩水 tread water
  2. 踩油门 step on the gas
  3. 踩着别人肩膀往上爬 be intent on personal advanc...
  4. 踩碎 tramp
  5. 踩线 step on the line
  6. 踩脏 track up
  7. 踩蛋 copulate
  8. 踩踏 tread
  9. 踩踏者 treader
  10. 踩高跷 walk on stilts
  11. footprint
  12. 踪影 trace
  13. 踪迹 trail
  14. stumble
  15. 踬蹶 falter
  16. 踬蹶不起 stumble and unable to rise
  17. stand on tiptoe
  18. 踮着脚 tiptoe
  19. 踮着脚尖走 walk on tiptoe
  20. 踮脚尖 on tiptoe
  21. 踮起脚来 on the tips of one's toes
  22. 踮足而立 stand on tiptoe
  23. pace up and down treadle and...
  24. 踯躅 walk to and fro
  25. 踯躅而行 shuffle along
  26. 踯躅街头 wander about the streets
  27. pace
  28. 踱方步 walk with a measured tread
  29. 踱来踱去 walk up and down
  30. heel
  31. 踵事增华 carry on a predecessor's tas...
  32. 踵决肘见 out at heels and elbows -- t...
  33. 踵武 follow in sb.'s footsteps
  34. 踵至 follow closely upon heels
  35. 踵门拜别 personally pay a farewell ca...
  36. 踵门道谢 call in person to express on...
  37. kick
  38. 踸踔 jump
  39. kick
  40. tread on walk
  41. 踽踽 alone
  42. 踽踽独行 walk alone
  43. step
  44. 蹀蹀 walk in a mincing gait
  45. 蹀躞 pace up and down
  46. knee
  47. 蹁跹 whirling about
  48. trample on rub
  49. 蹂躏 trample on
  50. 蹂躏别国主权 trample upon the sovereignty...

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