

[ dié ] 发音:   "蹀"的汉语解释   用"蹀"造句
  • 动词
    [书面语] (蹈; 顿足) step; stamp
  • 蹀蹀:    [书面语] (小步走) walk in a mincing gait
  • 踺子:    arab spring
  • 蹀躞:    [书面语]1.(徘徊) pace up and down; pace about2.(小步走) walk in small steps
  • :    动词[书面语]1.(践踏) tread on2.(步行) walk
  • :    动词1.(脚底向外踢) kick (with the sole of one's foot) 一脚把门踹开 kick the door open2.(踩) tread; stamp; trample 一脚踹在水坑里 step in a puddle


        蹀蹀:    [书面语] (小步走) walk in a mincing gait
        踺子:    arab spring
        蹀躞:    [书面语]1.(徘徊) pace up and down; pace about2.(小步走) walk in small steps
        :    动词[书面语]1.(践踏) tread on2.(步行) walk
        :    动词1.(脚底向外踢) kick (with the sole of one's foot) 一脚把门踹开 kick the door open2.(踩) tread; stamp; trample 一脚踹在水坑里 step in a puddle
        踯躅街头:    wander about the streets; on the pavement; tramp the streets
        :    [书面语]Ⅰ名词(脚后跟) heel 接踵 follow on sb.'s heelsⅡ动词1.(亲到) call in person; personally pay a call 踵门拜别 personally pay a farewell call; 踵门道谢 call in person to express one's thanks2.(跟随) follow close behind 踵至 follow closely upon heels
        踯躅而行:    shuffle along; stagger; uncertain whether to advance or retire; walk with a mincing step; walk with a shuffling gait
        踵白:    white hell
        踯躅:    [书面语] walk to and fro; loiter around


        蹀的日语:蹀dié 〈書〉踏む.足を踏み鳴らす. 蹀血 xuè /血を踏む.(殺された人が多くて)血の海(になる).▼“喋血”とも書く.
        蹀的韩语:[동사]【문어】 밟다. 蹀血xuè; (전쟁터에서) 피를 밟고 가다. (전쟁터가) 피바다가 되다 =喋血
        蹀的俄语:pinyin:dié ставить ногу; переступать; наступать, топтать Де (фамилия)
        蹀什么意思:dié ㄉㄧㄝˊ 1)顿足,踏:~足。~~(小步走的样子)。~躞(a.小步走;b.徘徊)。 躞蹀 白头蹀跇 蹀躞 蹀血 蹀躞不下


  1. "踯躅"英文
  2. "踯躅而行"英文
  3. "踯躅街头"英文
  4. "踺"英文
  5. "踺子"英文
  6. "蹀蹀"英文
  7. "蹀躞"英文
  8. "踹"英文
  9. "踵"英文
  10. "踵白"英文


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