踵: heel门: entrance; exit; door; gate拜别: take leave of; bid farewell ...拜别: [敬] take leave of; bid farewell to门拜: mynbai踵门道谢: call in person to express one's thanks follow close behind串门拜访: visit a number of people or places usually in a customary order登门拜访: come [go] on a visit to sb.'s house; call at sb.'s house; call on sb. in person; pay sb. a visit如何登门拜访: georgediao即使我登门拜访他也是很不情愿地接待我: even when i call he receives unwillingly踵决肘见: out at heels and elbows -- tattered dress踵事增华: [书面语] carry on a predecessor's task and make a greater success of it; take over and carry forward踵根,倾侧: heel踵套: heel trap踵铬酸盐: dichromate踵武: [书面语] follow in sb.'s footsteps; imitate; follow suit踵舵枢: heel gudgeon踵息: qi down to the sole踵挫伤: heel bruise; stone bruise