It was long past noon when he awoke. his valet had crept several times on tiptoe into the room to see if he was stirring . 午后很久他才醒来。他的贴身男仆已经踮脚尖溜进来过几次看他是否动弹。
尖: pointed; tapering踮脚: on tiptoe脚尖: the tip of a toe; tiptoe 踮着脚尖走 walk on tiptoe; 脚尖舞 toe-dance绷脚尖: pointed toes翅脚尖: lift the toes脚尖边: toe edge脚尖舞: toe-dance脚尖线: toe line脚趾,脚尖: toe起脚尖: calf raise翘脚尖: turn uone's toes用脚尖: tiptoe绷脚尖点地: pointe tendue多指半脚尖: releve勾脚尖悬垂: foot-hang勾起脚尖: cock the foot换脚尖部分: refoot脚尖操纵: toe-operated control脚尖侧点: tap side脚尖朝内: turn one's toes in脚尖朝外: turn one's toes out脚尖传球: pass with the toe-end; pass with tow-end脚尖点地: tap front; toes on the ground脚尖动作: toe action脚尖独立式: one tiptoe stand pose