1. 对版不准 misregistration
  2. 对版装置 register sets
  3. 对牛弹琴 play the lute to a cow -- to...
  4. 对犯人从宽处理 be lenient towards wrongdoer...
  5. 对犯罪分子实行强制劳动 carry out forced labour for ...
  6. 对生活充满新的希望 take a new lease of life
  7. 对病人及时治疗 give timely treatment
  8. 对症下药 apply medicine according to ...
  9. 对症取穴 selecting acupoints for illn...
  10. 对症处方 prescribe for a complaint pr...
  11. 对症疗法 heteropathy
  12. 对白 dialogue a surname
  13. 对白录音 dialogue recording
  14. 对眼 to one's liking
  15. 对着和尚骂贼秃 curse baldheads to a monk --...
  16. 对着干 do sth. in opposition
  17. 对着某人耳朵叫喊 shout in sb.'s ear
  18. 对瞎马点头眨眼都是一样 A wink is as good as a nod t...
  19. 对硫磷 alkron parathion E605
  20. 对社会发展的规律性有进一步的了解 have a better understanding ...
  21. 对社会道德观念的冲击 a shock to the sense of a co...
  22. 对科学的反动 reaction against science
  23. 对称 symmetry
  24. 对称变换 symmetry transformation
  25. 对称幂 symmetric power
  26. 对称性 symmetry
  27. 对称操作 symmetry operation
  28. 对称比 cylindricizing
  29. 对称波 symmetrical wave
  30. 对称点 symmetric points
  31. 对称表示法 symmetrical formulation
  32. 对称部分 symmetric part
  33. 对税源征税 taxation at source
  34. 对穷人伸出援助之手 extend a helping hand toward...
  35. 对空作战 antiair action
  36. 对空拦阻射击 antiaircraft barrage
  37. 对空控制 air control
  38. 对空警戒 security against air attack
  39. 对窗凝思 stand by the window meditati...
  40. 对立 oppose
  41. 对立事件 complementary events
  42. 对立假设 alternative hypothsis
  43. 对立关系 antagonistic relations
  44. 对立垄断 bilateral monopoly
  45. 对立形质 alleles
  46. 对立情绪 antagonism
  47. 对立概念 opposite concept
  48. 对立物 antithesis
  49. 对立的统一 the unity of opposites
  50. 对立组 contrary class

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