对: answer; reply社会发展: social development的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...规律性: law; regularity有: 5年 fifteen years进一步: go a step further; further; ...了解: understand; comprehend; acqu ...了解事物发展的规律: understand the laws of development of things进一步的发展: follow-on历史发展的规律: law of the development of history揭示了社会发展的客观规律: reveal the objective laws governing the development of society进一步的: further再进一步的: farther违反社会发展规律: go against the laws of social development进一步地;进一步的;促进: further能够对现有的财务流程有进一步的改善: may further improve the existing financial procedures有计划按比例发展的规律: law of planned and proportionate development进一步的测试: tests further; tests, further进一步的更多: further more进一步的目的: ulterior purpose进一步的误期: project delay进一步的信息: further information进一步的阅读: further reading经理之间有了进一步的沟通与了解: hr精辟地阐明社会发展规律: brilliantly expound the laws of social development