1. 他的两腮鼓得圆圆的 He bulged his cheeks roundly...
  2. 他的临终嘱咐仍萦绕在我们耳际 His last words still linger ...
  3. 他的举动令人厌恶 His conduct was disgusting.
  4. 他的举止与这庄严的场合不协调 His behaviour was not in kee...
  5. 他的举止像个训练有素的军人 He behaves like a well-train...
  6. 他的举止看上去很俗气 His manner seemed rather boo...
  7. 他的书法苍劲有力 His calligraphy is vigorous ...
  8. 他的书零乱地散置着 His books are all over the p...
  9. 他的京剧唱得不是味儿 The way he sings Beijing ope...
  10. 他的人物画在当时可谓登峰造极 His painting of people attai...
  11. 他的任期已满 His term of office has run o...
  12. 他的企图成了泡影 He failed in his attempt.
  13. 他的体质很好 He has good physique.
  14. 他的作为是无可非议的 His conduct was blameless. a...
  15. 他的作品受到读者的赞许 His works won the enthusiast...
  16. 他的作品有强烈的时代感 His works has a strong perio...
  17. 他的作文有进步 His composition has improved...
  18. 他的供词使大家都感到意外 His confession surprised eve...
  19. 他的保证非常可靠 His promise is as good as go...
  20. 他的信很感人 His letter was touching.
  21. 他的信用好 His credit is good. credit
  22. 他的健康每况愈下 His health was getting stead...
  23. 他的儿子攻读地质学 His son specializes in geolo...
  24. 他的先进事迹都上了电视了 His model deeds have been pu...
  25. 他的公司的寿命是兔子尾巴长不了 His corporate's life will be...
  26. 他的决定可能会带来不少的后患 His decision would lead a gr...
  27. 他的出席给会议投下了一个阴影 His presence cast a shadow o...
  28. 他的出色战功得到表彰 He was cited for his disting...
  29. 他的分析真是入木三分 His analysis was really pene...
  30. 他的刑期还没满 His term of imprisonment has...
  31. 他的到来引起了很大的骚动 His arrival caused a great s...
  32. 他的到职为大家所欢迎 His assumption of office was...
  33. 他的前任 his predecessor
  34. 他的前途与公司的前途紧紧地联结在一起 His future is closely bound ...
  35. 他的前额因害了水痘而留下许多麻点 His forehead was pitted by c...
  36. 他的势力扩展到海外 His power extends beyond the...
  37. 他的勇气受到考验 His courage was put to the t...
  38. 他的印度长袍与他流利的英语形成奇特的对照 His Indian robes contrasted ...
  39. 他的去世留下了这个空位 His death has left the void.
  40. 他的发言不大对味儿 What he said didn't sound qu...
  41. 他的发言不太贴题 His speech bore little relev...
  42. 他的发言冲犯了在场的所有人 His words gave great offense...
  43. 他的发言包括了他所有的论点 His statement embraces all h...
  44. 他的发言很精彩 He made a brilliant speech.
  45. 他的发言我都记录下来了 I've taken notes on what he ...
  46. 他的发音简直坏透了 His pronunciation is simply ...
  47. 他的口音很特别 He has a peculiar accent. es...
  48. 他的古怪使他成为他们取笑的对象 His crazy ideas made him the...
  49. 他的可取之处 his saving grace
  50. 他的名声传遍全国 His fame spread throughout t...

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