他的: his作文: write a composition composit ...有: 5年 fifteen years进步: advance; progress; improve; ...他的英语有进步: he is forward in his english有进步: 117.made progress; make progress有进展,有进步: get along with/on with有进步,取得进步: to make progress大有进步: have taken great strides in one's progress; advance by rapid strides; make great [rapid] strides过活;进展,有进步: get along有进展,有进步;生活得: get along/on with一篇“优秀”的作文: an“excellent”composition在他的作品: beautiful & damned吉姆的学业有进步吗: how is jim getting on at school切换到其他的作业: switch to other task; switch to the next document window作文: 1.(写文章) write a composition2.(文章) composition他的作品受到读者的赞许: his works won the enthusiastic approval of his readers他的作品有强烈的时代感: his works has a strong period feel他的作为是无可非议的: his conduct was blameless. accomplish最喜爱他的作品:命运好好玩: click你的作文中有重覆出现的拼字错误: there are recurrent spelling mistakes in your compositions你为什么不选一个好一点的作文题: why didn't you select a better subject for your composition进步: 1.(向前发展) advance; progress; improve; step foreward; move foreward 人类进步 human progress; 取得很大进步。 great advances have been made. 他在学业上有着迅速而突出的进步。 he has made rapid and brilliant progress in his studies. 世界是在进步的。 the world is progressing. 他的作文有进步。 his composition has improved.2.(先进的) (politically) progressive 进步人士 progressive personages; progressives; 进步势力 progressive forces; 思想进步 have progressive ideas; 进步力量 progressive forces綦文有: qi wenyou混沌王子还引进有他的作品: prince of chaos