他的: his发言: make a speech; take the floo ...不大: not often; seldom; rarely; h ...对味儿: to one's taste; tasty seem a ...他的发言不太贴题: his speech bore little relevance对味儿: 1.(合口味) to one's taste; tasty2.(符合某人思想感情) seem all right 他的发言不大对味儿。 what he said didn't sound quite right他的发言很精彩: he made a brilliant speech他的发言我都记录下来了: i've taken notes on what he said发言不要离题: don't diverge in your speech他的发言包括了他所有的论点: his statement embraces all his arguments他的发言冲犯了在场的所有人: his words gave great offense to everybody present他的发言鼓舞人心动人肺腑: his speech was inspiring and touched my heart上的发言: speech at“beijing pas探讨性的发言: exploratory speech他的诺言不甚可靠: there is little reliance to be placed on his promises关于会议的发言: a speech on meeting秘书长的发言人: spokesman for the secretary-general她的发言内容浮泛: her speech was superficial and full of generalities有很大的发言权: a huge say过去他俩不大对头现在却合得来了: the two didn't get along in the past but now they hit it off well针对某一专题进行的发言: presentation不大: 1.(不经常) not often; seldom; rarely; hardly; scarcely 他不大看电影。 he seldom goes to the cinema. 他最近不大来。 he hasn't been coming around much recently. 这孩子不大讲话。 the child does not talk very much.2.(程度不深) not very; not too; not quite 不大可能的事 something improbable; 不大清楚 not too clear; 不大妥当 not quite proper; 不大好 not very good; 我不大想到那里去。 i am not very keen on going there大会可限制每一发言者的发言时间: the general assembly may limit the time to be allowed to each speaker这个发言击中了他的痛处: this speech touched him on his most sensitive spot发言: speak; make a statement [speech]; take the floor 即席发言 speak offhand [extempore]; 要求发言 ask to be heard; ask for the floor; 你在会上发言了吗? did you speak at the meeting? 他的发言很精彩。 he made a brilliant speech. 主席允许我发言。 the chairman permitted me to take the floor.; 发言稿 the text of a statement or speech