1. 错捕 erroneous arrest
  2. 错明 Cuo Ming
  3. 错杂 mixed
  4. 错杂难清 so confused that it is hard ...
  5. 错案 misjudged case
  6. 错爱 undeserved kindness
  7. 错牙 grind one's teeth alternate
  8. 错用语句 garbled-statement
  9. 错码 error code
  10. 错码数 error code number
  11. 错综 intricate
  12. 错综复杂 perplexing
  13. 错综编码器 plexicoder
  14. 错编 miscode
  15. 错缝接合 alternate joint
  16. 错翻眼皮 turn a wrong eyelid -- to mi...
  17. 错脚难返 A false step is hard to retr...
  18. 错臂文身 tattoo the arms and body
  19. 错落 strewn at random
  20. 错落不齐 be uneven
  21. 错落其间 dotted with
  22. 错落有致 well-proportioned
  23. 错觉 illusion
  24. 错解原意 misinterpret the original me...
  25. 错译 mistranslation
  26. 错话 improper remarks
  27. 错误 wrong
  28. 错误估计形势 make a wrong estimate of the...
  29. 错误常常是正确的先导 Error is often the precursor...
  30. 错误思想 wrong thinking
  31. 错误思潮 erroneous ideological trend
  32. 错误总是遮盖不住的 Mistakes can never be hidden...
  33. 错误百出 full of mistakes
  34. 错误的结论 wrong conclusion
  35. 错误言论 erroneous remarks
  36. 错误论调 wrong view
  37. 错误路线 an erroneous line
  38. 错误难免 Mistakes are unavoidable.
  39. 错读 misread
  40. 错车 One vehicle gives another th...
  41. 错车岔道 loopway
  42. 错车道 lay-by
  43. 错过 miss
  44. 错过时机 miss the best opportunity
  45. 错过机会 let the chance slip
  46. 错过机遇 balk an opportunity
  47. 错配 mispairing
  48. 错配位错 misfit dislocation
  49. 错配能 misfit energy
  50. 错金 inlaying gold

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