The mazes of the dance were ecstatic . 跳舞那种错综曲折,叫人快乐得如登九天。
The flowers grew in the sarcophagi with a wild exuberance, wantoning, it seemed, in mockery of the tomb whence they sprang . 鲜花在石棺材里开放得格外繁茂,蓬乱错综,仿佛嘲笑它们从中冒出的坟茔。
Filled with the dizzying emotions of the summer on saint charles 满怀着在圣查尔斯夏天的错综情感
错综的: intricate; reticular; there is a complex network of roads connecting glasgow and edinburgh错综度: complexity错综焊: staggered welding错综脉: intricate pulse错综性: complexity使错综: complicate参伍错综: (参错; 杂乱不齐) shuffle together错综编码器: plexicoder错综赤霉: gibberella intricans错综的情节: an intricate plot错综复杂: perplexing; complicated and confused; complex and mixed; intricate and complex; wheels within wheels; very complicated 这个问题错综复杂。 it is a complicated problem. 这道题虽然错综复杂, 但用电子计算机很快就能解出。 although the problem is intricate and complex, it can be solved very quickly with an electronic computer. 在错综复杂的政治斗争中不要太天真了! do not be rather unsophisticated in the complicated political struggle. 这部小说的情节错综复杂, 引人入胜。 the plot of the novel is intricate and fascinating错综复杂的: anfractuous daedal reticula sinuous; anfractuous daedal reticular sinuous; complicated; daedalean; daedalian; involute; perplexing; sinuousness错综根枝藻: rhzoconium jmplexum错综接合: broken joint错综结合: alternate joint (broken joint)错综条件句: adverbial clause of mixed condition复杂,错综的: complex米尔斯错综: mills mess难点,错综复杂: nodus生境错综: habitual abortion细晶错综状: autallotriomorphic生境错综作用: habitual abortionwheels错综复杂之理由: wheels within自动错综编码器: automatic plexicoder错字连篇: a link of erroneous characters错字勘误表: erratum