

发音:   "错落不齐"的汉语解释   用"错落不齐"造句
  • be uneven; all at sixes and sevens; higgledy-piggledy; topsyturvy; scattered here and there
  • 错落:    strewn at random; disorderly ...
  • 不齐:    irregularity; fraze
  • 错落:    (交错纷杂) strewn at random; disorderly; untidy; irregular; scatter and interlock 苍松翠柏错落其间 dotted with green pines and cypresses
  • 不齐:    irregularity; fraze (有毛边)
  • 落不是be:    criticized set inkwrite with pen


  1. The competition entries were a very mixed bag .


        错落:    strewn at random; disorderly ...
        不齐:    irregularity; fraze
        错落:    (交错纷杂) strewn at random; disorderly; untidy; irregular; scatter and interlock 苍松翠柏错落其间 dotted with green pines and cypresses
        不齐:    irregularity; fraze (有毛边)
        落不是be:    criticized set inkwrite with pen
        参差错落:    (参错; 错误脱漏) confused with errors and omission
        错落其间:    dotted with (bamboos and flowers, etc.)
        错落式住宅:    bi level; bilevel
        错落有致:    well-proportioned; (the branches and leaves) are well-spaced; proper distribution of trees [plants] in painting; well-arranged
        不齐,不齐量,偏离:    skew wind
        不齐的:    asymmetric; irregular
        不齐地:    raggedly
        不齐量:    skew
        不齐性:    heterogeneity
        齿不齐:    odontoparallaxis
        掐不齐:    virgate lespedeza herb
        牙不齐:    odontoloxiaodontoloxy; odontoparallaxis
        走不齐:    short shot
        凋落不堪:    be far gone in decay
        牢落不群:    keeping oneself aloof; being a bad mixer
        磊落不群:    superior to the general run
        下落不明:    one's whereabouts is a mystery.; one's present whereabouts is unknown.: 他目前下落不明。 his present whereabouts is unknown.; his whereabouts is uncertain
        下落不明的:    neither present after a battle nor known to have been killed
        下落不明者:    unaccounted for
        涨落不定:    irregular


        错落不齐的法语:éparpillé ça et l
        错落不齐的日语:cuo4luo4bu4qi2 不ぞろい
        错落不齐的韩语:가지런하지 않다. 어긋버긋하다. 들쑥날쑥하다. 我的家乡是个小村子, 从前只有错落不齐的几十间草房, 如今新式瓦房栉次鳞比; 나의 고향은 자그만한 시골로서, 이전에는 들쑥날쑥 늘어선 수십 채의 초가집이 있었을 뿐이었는데, 지금은 신식 기와집들이 즐비하게 늘어서 있다
        错落不齐什么意思:cuò luò bù qí 【解释】形容极不整齐。 【出处】《晋书·卫恒传》:“纤波浓点,错落期间。” 【拼音码】clbq 【灯谜面】犬牙 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语;形容不整齐


  1. "错乱型精神分裂症"英文
  2. "错乱性唤醒"英文
  3. "错乱性精神病"英文
  4. "错乱选择"英文
  5. "错落"英文
  6. "错落其间"英文
  7. "错落式住宅"英文
  8. "错落有致"英文
  9. "错码"英文
  10. "错码搭配"英文


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