- 笑里藏刀什么意思:xiào lǐ cáng dāo 【解释】形容对人外表和气,却阴险毒辣。【出处】《旧唐书·李义府传》“故时人言其笑中有刀”【示例】他这种人,八面玲珑,~,是个阴险毒辣的家伙。【拼音码】xlcd【灯谜面】刽子手咧嘴讽刺荆轲刺秦王【用法】偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义【英文】a velvet paw 【故事】唐朝大臣李义府听说狱中有一个美貌的女犯,他叫狱吏毕正义释放她,然后就占为己有,大臣王义方告发毕正义。李义府逼毕正义上吊自杀,同时还在皇帝面前诋毁王义方,把他革职流放到边远地区。李义府表面谦和,暗中害人,笑里藏刀
- 笑里藏刀的英语:hide a dagger in a smile -- with murderous intent behind one's smiles; a murderous heart under a smiling exterior; a smile of treachery; cherish [nourish; warm] a serpent [snake; viper] in one's bosom; conceal a knife in one's smile; conceal a sword in a smile -- injure people under the cover of mildness; cover the dagger with a smile; daggers hidden behind smiles; feline amenities; the knife behind a smile; there is a hidden dagger behind (his) smiling face.; treachery lying underneath a mask of friendliness; trip sb. up while smiling all the time; utter honeyed words but carry a lethal weapon in one's sleeve; velvet paws hide sharp claws.; when the fox preaches, take care of your geese
- 笑里藏刀的法语:cacher un poignard derrière son sourire;dissimuler des intentions criminelles derrière ses sourires
- 笑里藏刀的日语:〈成〉笑いの中に剣が隠されている.うわべはにこにこしているが心の中は陰険であること.真綿に針を包む.
- 笑里藏刀的韩语:【성어】 웃음 속에 칼을 감추다;겉으로는 웃으면서도 속으로는 해칠[음험한] 생각을 가지다. =[笑中刀]
- 笑里藏刀的俄语:[xiàolǐ cáng dāo] обр. дерзать [прятать] камень за пазухой; мягко стелет, да жёстко спать