领取营业证 receive a business license |
领取薪水 draw one's salary |
领取驾驶执照 take out a driving licence |
领受 accept |
领口 collarband |
领口太小了 The neckband is too small. t... |
领唱 lead a chorus |
领唱部 the part sung by the leading... |
领回 get back |
领圈 neckhole |
领圈线 décolleté |
领土 territory |
领土不可侵犯性 territorial inviolability |
领土主权 territorial sovereignty |
领土完整 territorial integrity |
领土扩张 territorial expansion |
领土扩张欲 land hunger |
领土权 sovereign right over territo... |
领土管辖权 jurisdiction within territor... |
领土要求 territorial claim |
领地 manor territory |
领域 territory |
领域广大 The domain is vast. field |
领域性 territoriality |
领头 take the lead |