保卫国家的领土完整 safeguard a country's territorial integrity
保卫国家主权和领土完整 safeguard state sovereignty and territorial integrity
捍卫国家主权和领土完整 safeguard state sovereignty and territorial integrity
互相尊重主权和领土完整 equality mutual benefit mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity; equality,mutual benefit, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity; equality,mutual benefit,mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity
相互尊重领土完整和主权 mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty
关于保护科索沃领土完整的决议 resolution on the protection of the territorial integrity of kosovo
领土 territory 保卫国家的领土完整 safeguard a country's territorial integrity; 领土不可侵犯性 territorial inviolability; 领土管辖权 jurisdiction within territory; 领土扩张 territorial expansion; territorial aggrandizement; 领土扩张欲 land hunger; 领土权 sovereign right over territory; 领土完整 territorial integrity; 领土要求 territorial claim
保持伊拉克领土和主权的完整 territoriale und souverne integritt des irak wahren
完整 1.(没有损坏或残缺) complete; integrated; intact; whole; entire 维护领土完整 safeguard territorial integrity; 完整的一套《鲁迅全集》 a whole set of lu xun's complete works; 这是个完整的故事吗? is this a complete story? 那座古塔还在, 但是不完整了。 the ancient pagoda is still there, but not in its integrity.2.[数学] holonomy; 完整文本 full copy; 完整无损 in good shape; integrated; intact; 完整状态 good working condition