- accept (kindness, etc.); receive
他虚心领受同志们的批评建议。 he accepted his comrades' criticisms and suggestions with an open mind
- He accepted his comrades' criticisms and suggestions with an open mind .
他虚心领受同志们的批评建议。 - She could never without much blushing ask the necessary questions of the recipients of her charity .
当她向领受救济的人问一些必要的关于救济的问题时,她每次都羞得面红耳赤。 - The man says , " if you can help us .
我就应允你, ?会赐下供应,我们将要领受。 - He that is able to receive it , let him receive it
这话谁能领受,就可以领受。 - Those who reject me and do not accept my message . .
弃绝我、不领受我话的人. . - And what hast thou that thou hast not received ? ”
你有甚么不是领受的呢? ” - Out of the fuiiness of his grace , he has biessed us aii
从他丰满的恩典里我们都领受了 - Yet none of you is wiiiing to accept our message
你们却不领受我们的见证 - Those who reject me and do not accept my message
弃绝我不领受我话的人 - Out of the fuiiness of his grace , he has biessed us aii . .
- 领受的日语:(好意などを)受ける,ちょうだいする. 患病 huànbìng 期间,他领受很多朋友的慰问 wèiwèn /病気の間,彼は多くの友人の見舞いを受けた.
- 领受的韩语:[동사] 받아들이다. 받다. [대부분 남의 호의 등을 받아들일 때 사용함] 他怀着激动的心情领受了同事们的慰问; 그는 격앙된 심정으로 동료들의 위문을 받았다
- 领受的俄语:pinyin:lǐngshòu получать, принимать; вежл. удостоиться (напр. Вашего внимания)
- 领受什么意思:接受。 ▶ 《醒世恒言‧吴衙内邻舟赴约》: “遂将金戒指二枚, 玉簪一只, 交付童儿, 觑空致意此女, 恳求相会。 此女欣然领受, 解腰间绣囊相答。” ▶ 茅盾 《无题》一: “丈夫觉得逃不过那‘物质’的纠缠了, 便把双臂抱在胸前, 低了头, 准备耐心领受。” ▶ 叶圣陶 《城中》: “想常常到先生那边去讨...