Use eye - catching headlines and sub - headlines . remember , over 90 % of your visitors glance here first 运用醒目的标题与副标题。请记住: 90 %多的访问者只是匆匆浏览网站内容。
Big names and big subjects tend to generate big publicity around publication time , but it takes an additional , often indefinable something for a book to continue selling 在这个印刷品时代,醒目的标题与重磅的内容更倾向于受到读者的关注,但一本书要想持续热卖还需要一种东西,一种玄妙的东西。
In addition , a buddhist temple is located right next to the hall , and thus many members of the temple also visited our lecture upon seeing posters strikingly entitled immediate enlightenment and eternal liberation . the guests kept flowing into the lecture hall , and its first floor soon became full 会场右侧则比邻一间佛寺,庙里的善男信女看到海报上醒目的标题-即刻开悟,一世解脱,也纷纷前来听讲。来宾们不断地涌入会场,一楼很快就爆满了,其馀的人只好坐到二楼,总计有数百位来宾与会。