- 醒目 catch the eye; attract atten ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 字 character; word
- 或 nǎi-.
- 词语 words and expressions; terms
- 醒目的 banner; conspicuous; obvious; outstanding; striking
- 目的字 destination word
- 醒目的标题 bold headlines
- 醒目的标语 eye catching slogans
- 醒目的标志 conspicuous marking
- 目的域,目的字段 df destination field
- 目的字单元 destination word cell
- 目的字段 destination field
- 醒目而清楚的字体 bold legible handwriting
- 非常醒目的色调 a very effective colour scheme
- 醒目 (书写或画面) catch the eye; attract attention; be striking 醒目的标题 bold headlines; 醒目的标语 eye-catching slogans
- 简短醒目的标语[广告词]。 word bite
- 醒目的包装有助于我们推销产品 a packing that catches the eye will helus push the sales
- 由深色背景衬托出的很醒目的图案 bright picture that stands out well against a dark background
- 签字或盖章 sign or seal
- 使醒目 relieve
- 突出;醒目 stand out
- 醒目 (饮料) smart (drink)
- 醒目地 markedlyobservablyoutstandingly; noted; outstandingly
- 醒目色 assertive colour