- contract heading term 9 and signature
- 合同 agreement; contract
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 标题 title; heading; headline
- 合同的标题,第9条款 contract heading, term 9, and signature
- 买卖合同的标的 object of a sale contract
- 合同的 contractual; indented; stipulatory
- 醒目的标题 bold headlines
- 粘贴的标题 title piece
- 保留的标题码 reserve heading code
- 合同的,契约的 contractual
- 合同的编制 preparation of contract documentations
- 合同的变更 modification of contract
- 合同的撤销 rescission of contract
- 合同的缔结 conclusion of contract
- 合同的订立 formation of contracts; signing of contract; the conclusion of contracts
- 合同的分类 classification of contract
- 合同的更改 change of contract; changes to contractor; coc
- 合同的管理 managing the supply contract & relationships
- 合同的解除 rescission of contract; revocation of contract
- 合同的解释 interpretation of contact
- 合同的履行 contract performance; implementation of contract
- 合同的落空 frustration of contract
- 合同的内容 the particulars of a contract
- 合同的让与 assignment
- 合同的无效 contract invalidity; invalidity of a contract