- 进口 enter port; sail into a port ...
- 国境站 frontier station
- 名 time; times; days
- 进口国 import state; importing country
- 谷物进口国 grain importing country; grain-importing country
- 进口国家 country whence co igned; country whence consigned
- 净进口国 net importer
- 发达的进口国 importing developed country
- 站名 site name; sto name
- 发展中的进口国家 developing importing country
- 工业化的进口国 importing industrial country
- 进口国边境交货价 loaded in container and free on rail wagon at the named border station of import country
- 小麦进口国联合会 confederation of wheat importing countries; confederation of wheat-importing countries; confederation of wheat_importing countries
- 进口国国内车站交货价 cif or cfr station of destination in the country of importation
- 进口国国内堆场交货价 cfr or cifcy or cfs at the named inland station of destination of importation
- 国境 territory; frontier 偷越国境 illegally cross the border; 国境关税 frontier customs dues; 国境税(捐) border tax; 国境线 rangeline; boundary line; 国境站 frontier station
- 边境站 frontier station
- 过境站 border crossing point; crossing point
- 秘境站 hikyō station
- 入境站 point of entry
- 网站名 dmoz
- 站名标 station mark
- 站名表 station nomenclature
- 站名牌 nameboard
- 非洲石油进口国阿拉伯特别基金会 special arab fund for african oil importters
- Import border station