- cfr or cifcy or cfs at the named inland station of destination of importation
- 进口 enter port; sail into a port ...
- 国 country; nation; state
- 国内 internal; domestic; home
- 交货 delivery; consignment
- 价 a male servant
- 进口国国内车站交货价 cif or cfr station of destination in the country of importation
- 进口国边境交货价 loaded in container and free on rail wagon at the named border station of import country
- 机场交货价 ex aerodrome; free on airport
- 农场交货价 ex plantation
- 现场交货价 loco price; spot price
- 农场交货价格 farm-gate price
- 现场交货价格 ex point of origin; franco price; loco price
- 现场交货价值 loco terms
- 现货,当场交货价 spot
- 出口地机场交货价 free on board airport
- 飞机场交货价格 fob plane
- (装运港)飞机场交货价格 fob plane
- 进口国 import state; importing country
- 交货价 ddu; delivered price; delivery price
- 当场交货 spot delivery
- 当场交货值 spot value
- 机场交货 ex aerodrome
- 机场交货(价格) ex aerodrome
- 农场交货 ex plantation
- 现场交货 delivery on spot; delivery on the spot; ex works; spot delivery