- importing developed country
- 发达 developed; advanced; flouris ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 进口 enter port; sail into a port ...
- 国 country; nation; state
- 发展中的进口国家 developing importing country
- 工业化的进口国 importing industrial country
- 发达的 sophisticated; well-developed
- 进口国 import state; importing country
- 半发达的 semideveloped
- 不发达的 under developed; underdeveloped; undeveloped
- 发达的市场 developed market economy
- 工业发达的 having many welldevelopedindustriess
- 肌肉发达的 beefy; hefty; muscular; nervy; well muscled; well-muscled
- 欠发达的 less developed; less-developed
- 未发达的 inchoate; rudimentary
- 胸部发达的 barrel-chested
- 雄蕊发达的 androdynamic; androdynamous
- 业务发达的 going
- 最不发达的 least developed landlocked island and most seriously affected developing count
- 谷物进口国 grain importing country; grain-importing country
- 进口国家 country whence co igned; country whence consigned
- 净进口国 net importer
- 不发达的国家 underdeveloped country
- 发达的内陆国 developed land-locked states
- 发达的沿海国 developed coastal states