名词 [书面语] (古时初次拜见长辈所送的礼物) gift presented to a senior at one's first visit as a mark of esteem; ceremonial offering 短语和例子
贽敬 gifts presented to teachers or masters
贽持 niemochi贻赠 present; leave sth. to posterity贽川 niekawa贻羞 distain贽代 nieshiro贻笑千古 be a laughingstock through the ages; a laughing-stock down the centuries贽河 niekawa贻笑大方 expose oneself to ridicule; be laughed at by (the) experts; be laughed at by those who know; become a laughing stock of the learned people; give an expert cause for laughter; incur the ridicule of experts; laughed at by all respectable people; make a laughing stock of oneself 我是个外行, 我说的话可能贻笑大方, 可我还是要说几句。 i'm a layman. what i'm going to say may expose myself to ridicule, yet i still want to say a few words贽敬 gifts presented to teachers or masters贻误终身 bring evil upon one's whole life; affect one's whole life adversely; bring misfortune upon one's whole life
On li zhi ' s road to tao in phenomenological horizon 现象学视野中的李贽 求道之路 The mental experience of li zhi when resigning from office 李贽 辞官的心路历程 An interpretation of existentialism in li zhi ' s philosophy 李贽 哲学思想的生存论解读 The influence of yang shen on li zhi ' s heretical thoughts 论杨慎对李贽 异端思想的影响 On two dimensions of educational ethic norms 论李贽 经济伦理的批判性 Li zhi ' s views on women and their enforcement 李贽 的妇女观及其实践 A simple comment on li zhi ' s citizen ' s thought and its limitation 浅论李贽 的市民思想及其局限性 Brief discussion of lizhe ' s economic ideology 李贽 经济思想简论 On the aesthetic contribution of li zhi ' s thoery of quot; unspoiled hearts quot 李贽 童心说的美学贡献
贽的日语 :贽zhì 〈旧〉初対面のときに贈る贈り物. 贽见/みやげ物を提げて訪問する. 贽敬/師に届ける贈り物.贽的韩语 :[명사]【문어】 폐백(幣帛). 예폐. 옛날, 처음으로 윗사람을 뵐 때 올리는 예물. 贽见; 활용단어참조 贽敬; 활용단어참조 执贽; 집지하다贽的俄语 :pinyin:(贽 сокр. вм. 贄) рит. подарок, подношение (при первом визите) * поднести подарок при перво... 贽什么意思 :(贄) zhì ㄓˋ 1)古代初次拜见尊长所送的礼物:~见(拿着礼物求见)。~敬。 贽见