- be a laughingstock through the ages; a laughing-stock down the centuries
- 贻 make a gift of sth.; present ...
- 笑 smile; laugh
- 千古 through the ages; eternal; f ...
- 遗笑千古 a laughing-stock down the centuries
- 千古贻笑 be a laughingstock through the ages
- 千古 1.(长远的年代) through the ages; eternal; for all time 千古遗恨 eternal regret; 千古不朽 immortal2.(用于挽联、花圈的上款) 某某先生千古! eternal repose to mr. so-and-so
- 一笑千金 an enchanting smile
- 免贻笑柄 so as not to leave a handle for ridicule
- 贻笑大方 expose oneself to ridicule; be laughed at by (the) experts; be laughed at by those who know; become a laughing stock of the learned people; give an expert cause for laughter; incur the ridicule of experts; laughed at by all respectable people; make a laughing stock of oneself 我是个外行, 我说的话可能贻笑大方, 可我还是要说几句。 i'm a layman. what i'm going to say may expose myself to ridicule, yet i still want to say a few words
- 千古情 sun, moon and star
- 千古女儿千古恨 unconquerable devotion
- 彪炳千古 shining through the ages
- 恶事传千古 a bald head is soon shaven
- 留芳千古 leave a glorious memory
- 留名千古 leave a good reputation for ages
- 名垂千古 go down in history; be crowned with eternal glory; be on the scroll of fame; have an everlasting name
- 女儿千古恨 unconquerable devotion
- 千古不朽 immortal
- 千古传诵 (this book) has been read through all ages
- 千古绝唱 (of poems) to rank as a masterpiece throughout the ages; a poetic masterpiece through the ages
- 千古绝作 (to rank as) a masterpiece throughout the ages
- 千古留名 one's name will remain immortal
- 千古美人 thousands venus
- 千古名言 reputed words for myriad years
- 千古奇谈 strange stories of all ages; a forever strange tale