expose oneself to ridicule; be laughed at by (the) experts; be laughed at by those who know; become a laughing stock of the learned people; give an expert cause for laughter; incur the ridicule of experts; laughed at by all respectable people; make a laughing stock of oneself
我是个外行, 我说的话可能贻笑大方, 可我还是要说几句。 i'm a layman. what i'm going to say may expose myself to ridicule, yet i still want to say a few words
I 'm a layman. what i 'm going to say may expose myself to ridicule , yet i still want to say a few words . 我是个外行,我说的话可能贻笑大方,可我还是要说几句。
But it may be wise for mr bush to rethink his choice of words before he addresses the united nations in new york on september 12 看来,总统先生明智的做法是在9月12日联合国大会之前,再斟酌一下他的演讲辞,免得贻笑大方。
And then , they could only comfort and beautify themselves or boast and boost with one another in their own academic field 其实,到头来适得其反,只落个贻笑大方,也只能在自己的“世袭领地”里自我安慰、自我美化或互相捧场罢了。
However , the brazilian custodian did recently agree a new ? 2 . 8m per year at the san siro , despite some high - profile errors this term 然而,巴西人最近已经同意了圣西罗踢出的每年280万英镑的新合同,尽管这名门将这赛季出现了一些令人贻笑大方的失误。
However , the brazilian custodian did recently agree a new & pound ; 2 . 8m per year at the san siro , despite some high - profile errors this term 然而,巴西人最近已经同意了圣西罗踢出的每年280万英镑的新合同,尽管这名门将这赛季出现了一些令人贻笑大方的失误。
Would another national campaign help i hope we would not resort to that ever , as this would certainly make us a butt of jokes in the eyes of the world 假如发起另一场全国运动,可有帮助?我希望永远不须依赖运动来推进文明,否则必然贻笑大方,成为世人的话柄。
贻笑大方的法语:faire rire la compétence;susciter la moquerie des experts;donner prise à la raillerie des connaisseurs