- harbour sorrow and resentment
- 衔 hold in the mouth
- 悲 sad; sorrowful; melancholy
- 茹 eat
- 茹恨饮辱 swallow the insults in meek submission; submit in humiliation; submit to overbearing insult
- 衔草营巢 gather grasses for a nest
- 衔 Ⅰ动词1.(用嘴含) hold in the mouth 衔着烟斗 have a pipe between one's teeth; 燕子衔泥筑窠。 swallows carry bits of earth in their bills to build nests.2.(存在心里) harbour; bear 衔恨 harbour resentment; bear a grudgeⅡ名词(级别) rank; title 大使衔常驻代表 permanent representative with the rank of ambassador; 公使衔参赞 counsellor with rank of minister
- 衔出 pick 1
- 贤胄部 bhadrayānīy
- 衔阀 pintle valve
- 贤伉俪 husbands and wives
- 衔恨 harbour resentment; bear a grudge
- 贤作 kensaku
- 衔华佩实 bear both flowers and fruits -- a good essay which has solid substance and beautiful sentences; blossom and bear fruit
- 贤佐 kensuke
- 衔悲茹恨什么意思:
- 拼音:xián bēi rú hèn
- 注音:ㄒㄧㄢˊ ㄅㄟ ㄖㄨˊ ㄏㄣˋ
衔悲茹恨- 【解释】:衔:含。茹:吃。胸中藏有悲痛与仇恨。亦作“衔悲蓄恨”。