- bear both flowers and fruits -- a good essay which has solid substance and beautiful sentences; blossom and bear fruit
- 衔 hold in the mouth
- 华 Huashan Mountain a surname
- 佩 wear
- 实 solid
- 华佩兰 herba eupatorii chinensis
- 爱德华佩柳爵士群岛 sir edward pellew group
- 衔环相报 be like the wounded bird, who was saved by a kind preserver, returned with the precious reward of jade in his beak; carry a bracelet in the beak as recompense -- repay with gratitude; express gratitude to one's benefactor; will repay with gratitude
- 衔恨 harbour resentment; bear a grudge
- 衔级制度 system of titles and ranks
- 衔阀 pintle valve
- 衔接 link up; join; connect 产、供、销衔接 dovetail the production, supply and marketing; 列车在车站与公共汽车衔接。 the train connects with a bus at the station. 这座大桥把小岛和大陆衔接起来。 the bridge joins the island to the mainland
- 衔出 pick 1
- 衔接;联系,连接 connection (l02)
- 衔草营巢 gather grasses for a nest
- 衔接背景 background hookup
- 衔悲茹恨 harbour sorrow and resentment
- 衔华佩实的韩语:【성어】 꽃을 피우고 열매를 맺다; 외관과 내용이 다 갖추어져 진실되고 아름답다. 문질(文質)을 겸비하다.
- 衔华佩实的俄语:pinyin:xiánhuápèishí нести в себе цветы и плоды (обр. о литературном произведении, выдающемся по форме и содержанию)
- 衔华佩实什么意思:xián huá pèi shí 【解释】形容文章的形式和内容都完美。 【出处】南朝梁·刘勰《文心雕龙·征圣》:“然则圣文之雅丽,固衔华而佩实者也。” 【拼音码】xhps 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语;含褒义