- 节理 jointing; fissure; cleftines ...
- 型 mould; model
- 裂缝 rent; rip; hiatus; tear; rif ...
- 节理型 joint pattern
- 节理型式 joint pattern
- 波拉德型裂缝 pollard-type fracture
- 节理裂缝 diaclase; joint fissure
- 流量均布型裂缝 uniform-flux fracture
- 节理 jointing; fissure; cleftiness; back; [地质学] joint
- Ⅰ型裂纹 opening or tensile crack
- 病理型 pathotype
- 纯理型 ideal type
- 代理型 agentic style
- 地理型 geotype; topomorph
- 推理型 implied idea trpe
- 裂缝 1.(裂开的缝儿) rent; rip; hiatus; tear; rift; crevice; crack; fissure 岩石的裂缝 crevices in a rock; 弥合裂缝 span a rift; 地上的裂缝 a fissure in the ground2.[地质学] fracture; rupture
- 滑移型裂纹 sliding mode crack
- 混合型裂纹 mixed mode crack
- 剪切型裂纹 shearing mode crack
- 剪切型裂隙 fracture of shearing type
- 扩展型裂纹 propagating crack
- 拉伸型裂纹 stretching mode crack
- 人字型裂隙 chevron crevasse
- 撕开型裂纹 tearing mode crack
- 微坑型裂断 dimpled rupture