"columnar" joint blocks are formed by two sets of joints . “长柱状”节理块是由两组节理组成。
Practically every rock outcrop shows numberless joints . 实际上所有岩石的露头都显示许许多多的节理。
The copper is disseminated in small joint surfaces and cracks in the porphyries . 铜浸染在斑岩的细小节理面和裂隙中。
Joint surfaces of the columns do not show slickensides or any evidence of movement . 柱状节理面上未见断层擦痕或任何移动的证据。
The dominant joint system strikes roughly east, normal to the axis of la veta synclche . 主要节理系大致为东西走向,垂直于罗韦塔向斜轴。
Its behaviour is dominated by discontinuities such as faults, joints and bedding planes . 它的性态是由像断层、节理和层面等这样一类不连续面控制的。
The designer should consider the influence of construction joints and foundation joints on the shearing strength . 设计人员应该考虑施工缝和地基节理对剪切强度的影响。
The following definitions apply to any planar surface, e.g. bedding, fault, joint or cleavage planes, veins or mineral deposits . 以下诸定义适用于任何平面,如层面,断层面,节理面或劈理面,岩脉或矿床。
A study on the shear rheology of rock joint plane 岩石节理面剪切流变的试验研究
Study on the simulation of the fractal distribution joints 分形分布节理的模拟研究
节理的俄语:pinyin:jiélǐ 1) прожилки, текстура (в камне) 2) ограничивать себя во имя справедливости, жертвовать собою ради других 3) геол. трещины, трещиноватость; отдельность (горных по...