- 型 mould; model
- 裂纹 crack; fissures
- 张开型裂纹 opening mode crack
- 撕开型 tearing mode
- Ⅰ型裂纹 opening or tensile crack
- 滑移型裂纹 sliding mode crack
- 混合型裂纹 mixed mode crack
- 剪切型裂纹 shearing mode crack
- 扩展型裂纹 propagating crack
- 拉伸型裂纹 stretching mode crack
- 反平面剪切Ⅲ型裂纹 anti-plane shear mode crack
- 撕开 dilacerate; divide; divulsion; pull apart; reave; rive off; riven; seam torn; tear down; teardown; teasing; unrip
- 被撕开 be torn open
- 裂缝,撕开 slit
- 撕开的 dilacerate; tearing
- 撕开盖 tear-off lid
- 裂纹 flaw; fissure; chine; gash; [房] craze; crazing; crackle (on pottery, porcelain, etc.) 这只碗上有条裂纹。 the bowl has a crack in it.; 裂纹检测 crack detection; 裂纹探测仪 [冶金学] crack detector; 裂纹涂料 crackle coating
- 滑开型 sliding mode
- 即开型 instant games
- 开型法 open method
- 开型码 open code
- 张开型 opening mode
- (船箔)撕开盏 tear-off lid
- 把信撕开 rip open a letter
- 被撕开的 avulsed