群众的呼声 voice of the masses; 走群众路线 follow the mass line; 广大人民群众 the broad masses of the people; 相信群众, 依靠群众 believe in the masses and rely on them; 群众的积极性 enthusiasm of the masses; 关心群众生活 care for the life of the masses; 群众切身的问题 problems of immediate concern to the masses; 遵守群众纪律 maintain discipline in relations with the masses; 群众关系 one's relations [ties] with the masses; 这不仅是我个人的意见, 也是群众的意见。 it's not just my opinion but the general public's.; 群众办学 school running by the masses; 群众大会 mass rally [meeting]; 群众歌曲 mass song; 群众工作 mass work; 群众观点 the mass viewpoint; 群众管理 masses participation in management; 群众化 popularization; 群众检查 auditing by masses; 群众监督 surveillance by the masses; 群众教育 mass education; 群众纪律 mass discipline; 群众理财 mass financial management; 群众路线 mass line; 群众体育 mass sport; mass physical culture; 群众团体 mass organization; 群众文化 mass culture; 群众心理 mass psychology; 群众心理学 crowd psychology; 群众意识 crowd consciousness; 群众意愿 the popular will; 群众运动 mass movement; mass compaign; 群众组织 mass organization
群众报 al djamahir; al djumhur; al gamaheir; al gumbur; al jamaheer; al jamheer; al jumhour; djamahir al; djumhur al; gamaheir al; gumbur al; jamaheer al; jamheer al; jumhour al; quan chung
群众性 of a mass character 群众性体育活动 mass sports activities; 群众性长跑 mass distance running; 群众性经济监督 economic supervision of masses; 群众性自治组织 self-governing mass organization
新群众 al jamheer al jadid; jamheer al jadid al; jamheer al jadid, al
方便群众 making things convenient for the people to suit the people's convenience; making things convenient for the people; to suit the people"s convenience
群众的韩语:[명사] (1)군중. 민중. 대중. 群众游行; 군중 시위 행진 (2)비공산당원. 일반 대중. 비당원. 간부가 아닌 자. [문화 대혁명 전, 공산당·공산주의 청년단에 가입한 간부 요원에 대해 일반인을 지칭한 말] ※주의 : 보통 민중을 ‘群众’이라고 하고, 혁명에 눈을 떠 계급의식을 가지고 있는 민중을 ‘人民’이라 구별하여 사용하는 경향이 있음. ...
群众的俄语:[qúnzhòng] (народные) массы; массовый 群众组织 [qúnzhòng zùzhī] — массовые организации