群众 the masses; general public; the common people 群众的呼声 voice of the masses; 走群众路线 follow the mass line; 广大人民群众 the broad masses of the people; 相信群众, 依靠群众 believe in the masses and rely on them; 群众的积极性 enthusiasm of the masses; 关心群众生活 care for the life of the masses; 群众切身的问题 problems of immediate concern to the masses; 遵守群众纪律 maintain discipline in relations with the masses; 群众关系 one's relations [ties] with the masses; 这不仅是我个人的意见, 也是群众的意见。 it's not just my opinion but the general public's.; 群众办学 school running by the masses; 群众大会 mass rally [meeting]; 群众歌曲 mass song; 群众工作 mass work; 群众观点 the mass viewpoint; 群众管理 masses participation in management; 群众化 popularization; 群众检查 auditing by masses; 群众监督 surveillance by the masses; 群众教育 mass education; 群众纪律 mass discipline; 群众理财 mass financial management; 群众路线 mass line; 群众体育 mass sport; mass physical culture; 群众团体 mass organization; 群众文化 mass culture; 群众心理 mass psychology; 群众心理学 crowd psychology; 群众意识 crowd consciousness; 群众意愿 the popular will; 群众运动 mass movement; mass compaign; 群众组织 mass organization
The senator is sure that he will get support from the grass roots 这位参议员相信他能得到基层群众的支持。
Management system modes of sports - for - all in grass - roots units of shenzhen esz 深圳市基层群众体育管理体制模式的思考
Investigation of management system of mass sport in big cities in china 我国大城市基层群众体育管理体制现状调查与研究
Study on present situation of the sports managing system for common people of beijin 北京市基层群众体育管理体制的现状
The research on management system and operation mechanism for mass sports of grass roots in china 我国基层群众体育管理体制及其运行机制的研究
Research on grass - root mass sport administration and its operating mechanism in economy - developed areas 我国经济发达地区基层群众体育管理体制及其运行机制的研究
Community residents " self - governance is the basic - level mass self - governance and its subjects are the residents 社区居民自治属于基层群众自治,自治的主体是居民。
Village committee is a key organization in the system of farmer autonomy as well as a basic autonomous organization of the people 摘要村民委员会是村民自治制度体系中的一个核心组织,也是基层群众自治组织。
Therefore , in order to meet people ' s cultural need , the development of the libraries should be taken into consideration in the overall plan for building well - off society in the rural and fishery areas so that these new libraries can solve the problems such as funds and personnel , and share the resources with libraries in the urban areas 为此,要把图书馆建设纳入渔农村小康社会建设的总体目标,统筹解决经费来源,稳定管理队伍,实行市区县馆际资源共享,多方满足基层群众的文化需求。