

  • making things convenient for the people to suit the people's convenience
  • making things convenient for the people; to suit the people"s convenience



  • 例句与用法
  • Further efforts should be made to develop public service facilities , better people ' s living environment and expand community services in order to make life easier for the people
  • Further efforts should be made to develop public service facilities , better people ' s living environment and expand community services in order to make life easier for the people
  • Article 11 . postal enterprises shall establish branch offices , postal kiosks , newspaper and periodical stands , mail boxes , etc . , in places convenient to the masses , or provide mobile services
  • The medical service of part of integrated business building that the hospital builds , religion , grind for an organic whole , integrated outpatient department is convenient masses go to a doctor , fu is added on original basis , the division such as recuperate of facial features , oral cavity , rehabilitation , strengthened the construction of emergency call division and general internal medicine
  • Following the principle of catering to grass - roots units , going deep into the countryside , offering services to people ' s doorsteps and providing conveniences to the people , family planning workers provide people of child - bearing age with guidance , advice and services , and help them select favourable contraceptive methods according to their health and needs
  • Inquiry can be made through the personal credit information database only with the authorization in writing by the person involved when personal loan application or credit card application is being reviewed , offer of guarantee by an individual assessed , or personal loan or credit card monitored for credit risks on a continued basis
  • 推荐英语阅读
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