- leave unnoticed; dismiss (the subject); pass by ... in silence
- 置 place; put; lay
- 不问 pay no attention to; ignore; ...
- 置之不答 make no response to ...; brush it aside
- 置之不付 leave unpaid
- 置之不理 ignore; brush [thrust] aside; pass it over; pass ... over in silence; pass without remark; pay no attention [regard] to; put aside and neglect it; leave ... alone; turn a cold shoulder to; shut [close] one's eyes to; turn a deaf ear to ...; sit idly by; take no notice of; leave unquestioned; lay on the shelf; wave aside; put the matter aside; not to care a tinker's damn; leave out in the cold 对于这种挑衅, 我们不能置之不理。 we cannot ignore such provocations. 他对一切事先忠告都置之不理。 he thrust aside all precautionary advice. 该国政府发出警告如果战争爆发, 它将不会置之不理。 the government of this country gave warning that she could not sit idly by in the event of war
- 充耳不闻,置之不理 turn a deaf ear
- 任其漂流;置之不理 to turn adrift
- 置之不用,束之高阁 hang by the wall
- 不容申辩, 对所有要求都置之不理 immune to all pleas
- 对于这种挑衅我们不能置之不理 we cannot ignore such provocations
- 他对一切事先忠告都置之不理 he thrust aside all precautionary advice
- 不问,不说 don't ask, don't tell
- 不问的 irrespective
- 不闻不问 not bother to ask questions or listen to what's said; be indifferent to sth.; neither care to inquire nor to hear; show no interest in sth.; shut one's eyes to; take no notice; turn a deaf ear to; turn a blind eye to 某些领导对这些事实不闻不问。 some leaders shut their eyes to the fact. 他对于一切求助的呼声都不闻不问。 he shut his ears to all appeals for help. 同志们有困难我们不能不闻不问。 we can't remain indifferent when any comrade is in difficulty
- 不问而知 know without asking
- 不问好歹 come what may; no matter whether good or bad; without first asking what has happened
- 不问贫富 make no distinction between the rich and the poor
- 不问情由 without asking about the circumstances or causes
- 胁从不问 accomplices under duress shall go unpunished.; those who are forced [coerced] to follow [take part] are not to be punished
- 漠然置之 remain indifferent towards sth.; give the cold shoulder; hold loose; look on without concern; pay slight attention; show [express] no concern for 不要对人民的利益漠然置之。 don't turn a blind eye to matters that concern the people's welfare
- 配置之空优 air superiority
- 忘掉;置之脑后 cast sth. behind one’s back
- 一笑置之 laugh out of court; carry off with a laugh; chuckle over [at] sth.; dismiss with a laugh [smile]; dispose of with a smile; laugh away; laugh off as a joke; pass the thing off with a laugh; smile at; smile away; with a sneer
- 置之度外 leave [put] out of consideration [one's calculation; account]; not to take into consideration [account]; have no regard for; think nothing of it; cast out of one's mind; disregard entirely; give no thought to; have no regard to 革命先烈为了革命事业把生死置之度外。 for the revolutionary cause many martyrs left life and death out of consideration. 他为了抢救落水儿童, 把个人安危置之度外。 he went to the rescue of a drowning child regardless of his personal safety.; he ventured his life to save a child from drowning. 别的事情, 他都置之度外了。 nothing else mattered him now