- crime, deviance and punishment
- 犯罪 commit crime
- 不轨 against the law or disciplin ...
- 与 take part in; participate in
- 惩罚 punish; sentence to
- 规训与惩罚 discipline and punish; surveiller et punir
- 给与惩罚的人 nemesis
- 禅宗与惩罚艺术 b zen and the art of punishment
- 越轨与犯罪社会学 sociology of deviance &crime
- 不轨 (越出常规, 不遵守法度或搞叛乱活动) against the law or discipline 图谋不轨 engage in conspiratorial activities; 行为不轨 act [conduct] against the law; 不轨之徒 an illegal person
- 音轨与 dts-cd
- 惩罚 punish; penalize; punishment 惩罚措施 punitive measures; 惩罚性的损害赔偿费 punitive damages; 惩罚性制裁 punitive sanction; 受到一次严厉的惩罚 pay a severe penalty; 给予惩罚 punish sb.; mete out punishment to sb.; inflict punishment on sb.; 不受惩罚 with impunity; 他将受到应有的惩罚。 he will be punished according to his deserts.; 惩罚法 penalty method; 惩罚税率 penalty rate
- 规训与惩诫 discipline and punishment
- 不轨之徒 illegal person
- 船员不轨 barratry
- 合谋不轨 plot sedition together
- 谋为不轨 plot a rebellion; hatch a sinister plot; engage in conspiratorial activities
- 图谋不轨 engage in illegal activities; concoct a plot; conspire against the state; hatch a sinister plot; plan a rebellion [insurrection]; plan illegal activities; plot an uprising [rebellion]; scheme [incite] sedition
- 心怀不轨 cherish [harbour; have] evil designs
- 行为不轨 act against the law
- 预谋不轨 with malice aforethought
- 犯罪 commit a crime [an offense]: 犯罪的中止 desistance from offense; 犯罪和青少年犯罪 crime and delinquency; 共同犯罪 joint offense; 故意犯罪 intentional offense; 过失犯罪 offense through negligence; unpremeditated crime◇犯罪分子 offender; criminal; 犯罪工具 guilty tools; 犯罪集团 criminal gang; 犯罪率 crime rate; 犯罪未遂 attempted crime; attempted offense; 犯罪心理学criminal psychology; 犯罪行为 criminal behavior [act]; criminal offence
- 钢轨与配件轨料 rails and accessories
- 宽大与惩办相结合 combination of leniency with punishment
- 不惩罚 field but an experienced peasant from the crowd did not let him off
- 惩罚, 索取 come down on