Kung fu masters are made not born 功夫大师是靠后天锻炼而非浑然天成。
Using need need burma jade from polished agate , delicate work , unaware of heaven 采用极品极品缅玉玛瑙打磨而成,做工细腻,浑然天成
Nature made this den , a cave undercutting bluff of beautiful orange - beige sandstone 这是个浑然天成的洞穴。山洞在一个浅桔色的砂岩峭壁之下。
It is an act of nature and it grows itself through our collective actions 此乃浑然天成之事(注4 ) ,网络空间透过我们集体参与而自行茁壮、成长的。
Because of its various colors , forms and highest quality , it has great aesthetic value as well 雨花石色彩丰富,形态各异,浑然天成,具有很高的审美价值。
Harlem , who is proficient as singer songwriter and composer , shows that he s still as good as it gets 茶香和柠檬香微妙有致,茶香清爽,茶味清新,浑然天成,令人一再回味。
Nature is beauty ; every good thing has charm . nature announces success : pursue causes and conditions 自然则美,浑然天成,最能传达神韵;自然则成,随顺因缘,必能水到渠成。
Crispy almond granules and hazelnut sponge cake , filling with fresh cream . cannot miss it ! 美国榛子与黑巧克力、天然淡奶油浑然天成,外层巧克力脆皮和杏仁角让口感丰富如盛宴。
Color schemes in publisher provide harmonious color sets for an entire publication and across all types of publications Publisher中的配色方案可为整份出版物和各种类型的出版物提供浑然天成的颜色组合。
The cook islands ' beauty and its laid - back pace of life have ensured that tourism is the main employer and the biggest earner 库克群岛浑然天成的美景与悠?的生活步调,确保了观光业是最重要的业主同时也是最大的赢家。