Shakespeare and england are but one . 莎士比亚与英吉利乃浑然而一。
The variegated fields are all one color now . 灿烂的田野如今已是浑然的一色。
He learned to take messages accurately form their wives and mistresses over the telephone and pass them on with no hint that he understood exactly what he was doing . 他也学会准确地替他们的妻子和情妇传达电话口信,还做出一副浑然不觉的样子。
Where the music of love ' s guitars plays forever more 天堂有结他奏情歌,浑然忘我
Unaware of the deeper feelings she held for him 他对于她内心对他的感情浑然不觉
Before you know it , you are back where you started 等你绕回出发地点还浑然不觉。
He always completely loses himself in tobacco smoke 他常在香菸的烟雾中,浑然忘我。
Were they oblivious to the poisons they were ingesting 他们浑然不觉正在摄入的毒药?
Unaware of the difficulty , i went ahead (对困难浑然不知,我向前迈进。 )
Kung fu masters are made not born 功夫大师是靠后天锻炼而非浑然天成。
浑然的韩语:(1)[형용사] 혼연. 한 덩어리로 되어 가를 수 없는 모양. 浑然天成; 혼연천성. 자연스럽게[저절로] 이루어지다[이루어져 조탁한 흔적이 없다] =浑然自成 浑然一体; 【성어】 혼연 일체 (2)[부사] 전혀. 아주. 완전히. 전연. 浑然不觉; 전혀 깨닫지[느끼지] 못하다 浑然不理; 전연 아랑곳하지 않다 浑然无知; 아주 무지하다
浑然的俄语:pinyin:húnrán, hùnrán 1) цельный, неделимый; сплошной, неразличимый (в своих частях); целиком; неразличимо; сплошь, без различия 2) совершенно, полностью