无味 1.(没有滋味) tasteless; unpalatable 淡而无味的食物 tasteless food; insipid food; 食之无味 , 弃之可惜 un-appetizing and yet not bad enough to throw away2.(没有趣味) dull; insipid; uninteresting 枯燥无味 dry as dust; 单调无味的谈话 a dull talk; 一个故事的索然无味的结局 the tasteless ending of a story
味道 1.(味觉) taste; flavour 没有味道 tasteless; 心里有一股说不出的味道 have an indescribable feeling; 让他尝尝鞭子的味道。 give him a taste of the whip. 巧克力与香草精味道不同。 chocolate and vanilla have different flavours. 味道好极了。 it's so delicious.2.(指兴趣) interest 这题目对我来说没有什么味道。 this subject has no interest for [to] me.; 味道倒错 parageusia
Most foods are simply tastelessroast beef is like soft rubber, an orange like unflavored gelatin . 大部分食物变得简直毫无味道烤牛肉好比软橡胶,桔子像未加香料的明胶。
Over his untasteable apology for a cup of coffee , listening to this synopsis of things in general , stephen stared at nothing in particular 斯蒂芬一边喝着那杯毫无味道的所谓咖啡,一边听着这番老生常谈,目光不曾特别盯视什么。
No ! well , it is the same with hashish ; only eat for a week , and nothing in the world will seem to you to equal the delicacy of its flavor , which now appears to you flat and distasteful 好,大麻也一样,只要连吃一星期,您就觉得世界上再没有别的东西能比得上它的甘美了,而现在您只觉得它很讨厌,毫无味道。