- 正当 proper; rightful; rational a ...
- 真正当事人 real party
- 当事 experiencer; testimony of witnesses
- 正当 正当(正处在) just when; just the time for 正当年 in the prime of life; in one's prime; 正当时 in the nick of time; the right season or time; 正当同学们热烈讨论的时候, 老师进来了。 the students were in the midst of a lively discussion when the teacher came in.
- 当事方 disputing party; parties; party concerned
- 当事国 beteiligtes land /direkt betroffenes land/ein unmittelbar in etw.verwickeltes land; state of occurrence
- 当事人 1.[法律] (参加诉讼的一方) party (to a lawsuit); litigant; parties in action2.(跟事情直接有关的人) person [party] concerned; interested parties◇当事人陈述 [法律] litigant's statement
- 当事者 parties concerned
- 不正当 improper; illegitimate; dishonest; devious 不正当的理由 improper reason; 不正当的手段 dishonest methods; devious means; 不正当的收益 unlawful profits; 不正当的职业 illegitimate occupation; 不正当男女关系 illegitimate sex relation; 法官执法时不允许有不正当的行为。 judges cannot permit irregularity in carrying out justice
- 正当的 competent; correct; due; honest; honourable; justifiable; justified; legal; legitimate; licit; reasonable; righteous; rightful; sound; truthful; warrantable
- 正当地 by rights; honorably; honourably; justifiably; justly; lawfully; legitimately; properly; rightly; soundly; validly; worthily
- 正当化 justificatio; justify; legalisation
- 正当年 in one's prime
- 正当时 the right season or time
- 正当性 justifiability; legitimacy; legitimitaet; richtigkeit
- 正当中 right in the middle
- 本金当事人 principal
- 必要当事人 necessary parties
- 成为当事国 become parties
- 当事方认定 party identification
- 当事人,委托人 client
- 当事人陈述 statement of the parties; statementoftheparties
- 当事人适格 standing
- 当事人行为 act of party
- 当事人原则 privity rule