- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 辊 roller
- 裂 open
- 印痕 impression; imprint; print; ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 盘条 wire rod
- 辊裂印痕 chill cracks
- 具印痕的 impressed
- 无印痕的 printless
- 具印痕的,强制的 impressed
- 盘条 [冶金学] wire rod◇盘条紧捆机 rod coil compressor
- 印痕 impression; imprint; print; dimple; mark; trace 拖拉机履带在泥土上留下的印痕 the impress of a tractor's tread on the mud; 印刷良好的书籍有明显而清楚的印痕。 the well-printed book has a sharp, clean impression
- 目的盘 destination in
- 粗盘条 heavyrod
- 盘条切 rod cropping apparatus
- 盘条筛 wire rob screen
- 细盘条 light rod
- 痘痕的 faveolate; pocky
- 具痕的 cicatrized
- 啮痕的 cariose
- 无痕的 alete
- 瘢痕的 cicatrical; cicatricial
- 有刻痕的,压痕的 scored
- 凹印痕 plate mark
- 砾印痕 pebble dent