This website contains typical flight profiles for cathay pacific airways sectors 这网站包括有国泰航空主要航线。
Like many other adventurers , chichester had experienced fear and conquered it 像其他许多冒险家一样,奇切斯特也有国恐惧,而又战胜了恐惧。
Rev . 17 : 18 and the woman whom you saw is the great city , which has a kingdom over the kings of the earth 启十七18你所看见的那女人,就是有国权辖管地上众王的大城。
( card having a state , include all charge , basically be in housing industry ) , the hope can get giving directions , thank (有国证,包含一切费用,主要在房屋建筑行业) ,希望能得到指点,谢谢!
Secondary , we adopt financial ratio analysis as research methodology to estimate short - term operating performance of 14 financial holding companies 研究结果发现短期经营绩效较优者计有国票金控、新光金控、华南金控及富邦金控等四家。
The goalkeeper is eager for first team football and has been linked with inter , genoa and atletico madrid . he ' s valued at around & pound ; 3m 这名门将一直希望能加盟一只可以保证他主力位置的球队,目前正在接触的球队有国米、热亚纳和马德里竞技。他的身价大约在300万欧元左右。
The fortified city will disappear from ephraim , and royal power from damascus ; the remnant of aram will be like the glory of the israelites , " declares the lord almighty 3以法莲不再有保障、大马色不再有国权、亚兰所剩下的、必像以色列人的荣耀消灭一样这是万军之耶和华说的。
The fortified city will disappear from ephraim , and royal power from damascus ; the remnant of aram will be like the glory of the israelites , ' declares the lord almighty 3 [和合]以法莲不再有保3障,大马色不再有国权,亚兰所剩下的,必象以色列人的荣耀消灭一样。这是万军之耶和华说的。
[ niv ] the fortified city will disappear from ephraim , and royal power from damascus ; the remnant of aram will be like the glory of the israelites , ' declares the lord almighty 3 [和合]以法莲不再有保3障,大马色不再有国权,亚兰所剩下的,必象以色列人的荣耀消灭一样。这是万军之耶和华说的。
The fortress also shall cease from ephraim , and the kingdom from damascus , and the remnant of syria : they shall be as the glory of the children of israel , saith the lord of hosts 赛17 : 3以法莲不再有保障、大马色不再有国权、亚兰所剩下的、必像以色列人的荣耀消灭一样这是万军之耶和华说的。